Including a Project in a Visual LISP Application

After you've made changes to an application's source files, you'll want to incorporate those changes in the application's executable file. Making Application Modules showed you how to keep individual application files synchronized, so that the application executable contained the latest versions of all its source files. Defining the application files as members of a single project simplifies this process further. Instead of listing every source file in your application's Make file, you can point to the VLISP project file and use the project file to identify your source files.

To define an application that includes a Visual LISP project

  1. Choose File Make Application New Application Wizard from the VLISP menu to start the Make Application wizard.
  2. Select Expert mode, then press Next.
  3. Identify the directory path in which you want VLISP to save your application files, and enter a name for the application.

    Choose Next to continue.

  4. Choose Next to accept the default application options.
  5. In the LISP Files to Include dialog box, click the pull-down menu to the right of the Add button and choose Visual LISP project file as the type of file to include.

    Choose the Add button to display the Add Visual LISP Project Files dialog box.

  6. Specify the .prj file you created for the Lesson5 tutorial example, then press Open to add the file to your application. All the project's files will be included in the application.

    Choose Next to continue to the next step in the Make Application wizard.

  7. In the Resource Files to Include dialog box, click on the pull-down to the right of the Add button and choose DCL files, then press the Add button to display the dialog box for selecting the DCL files.

    Select the DCL file in the Tutorial\VisualLISP\Lesson5 directory, then press Open to add the file to your application.

    Choose Next to continue the Make Application wizard.

  8. Accept the default options in the remaining steps and complete the Make Application process.

    If you add files to the VLISP project you included in your application, the new files are automatically included the next time you build the application.