The following table provides summary descriptions of the AutoLISP symbol-handling functions.
Symbol-handling functions |
Function |
Description |
(atomitem) |
Verifies that an item is an atom |
(atoms-familyformat [symlist]) |
Returns a list of the currently defined symbols |
(boundpsym) |
Verifies whether a value is bound to a symbol |
(notitem) |
Verifies that an item evaluates to nil |
(nullitem) |
Verifies that an item is bound to nil |
(numberpitem) |
Verifies that an item is a real or an integer |
(quoteexpr) |
Returns an expression without evaluating it |
(setsym expr) |
Sets the value of a quoted symbol name to an expression |
(setqsym1 expr1 [sym2 expr2] ...) |
Sets the value of a symbol or symbols to associated expressions |
(typeitem) |
Returns the type of a specified item |
(vl-symbol-namesymbol) |
Returns a string containing the name of a symbol |
(vl-symbol-valuesymbol) |
Returns the current value bound to a symbol |
(vl-symbolpobject) |
Identifies whether or not a specified object is a symbol |