Reactor Functions

Reactor functions define, query, and delete reactors and reactor properties.

NoteBefore you can use these functions, you must load AutoLISP reactor support by issuing the following command:


The vl-load-com function initializes reactor support and a number of other AutoLISP extensions.

Reactor functions



( vl-load-com)

Loads AutoLISP reactor support functions and other AutoLISP extensions

( vlr-acdb-reactordatacallbacks)

Constructs a database (global) reactor object

( vlr-addobj)

Enables a disabled reactor object

( vlr-added-pobj)

Tests to determine whether a reactor object is enabled

( vlr-beep-reaction [args])

Produces a beep sound

( vlr-current-reaction-name)

Returns the name (symbol) of the current event, if called from within a reactor's callback

( vlr-dataobj)

Returns application-specific data associated with a reactor

( vlr-data-setobjdata)

Overwrites application-specific data associated with a reactor

( vlr-deepclone-reactorobjdata)

Constructs an editor reactor object that provides notification of deep clone events

( vlr-docmanager-reactor


Constructs a reactor object that provides notification of MDI-related events

( vlr-dwg-reactorobjdata)

Constructs an editor reactor object that provides notification of a drawing event (for example, opening or closing a drawing file)

( vlr-dxf-reactorobjdata)

Constructs an editor reactor object that notifies of an event related to reading or writing of a DXF file

( vlr-editor-reactordata


Constructs an editor (global) reactor object

( vlr-linker-reactordata


Constructs a linker (global) reactor object

( vlr-miscellaneous-reactor


Constructs an editor reactor object that does not fall under any of the other editor reactor types

( vlr-mouse-reactor


Constructs an editor reactor object that provides notification of a mouse event (for example, a double-click)

( vlr-notificationreactor)

Determines whether or not a reactor's callback function will execute if its associated namespace is not active

( vlr-object-reactorowners


Constructs an object reactor object

( vlr-owner-addreactorowner)

Adds an object to the list of owners of an object reactor

( vlr-owner-remove


Removes an object from the list of owners of an object reactor

( vlr-ownersreactor)

Returns the list of owners of an object reactor

( vlr-persreactor)

Makes a reactor persistent

( vlr-pers-list [reactor])

Returns a list of persistent reactors in the current drawing

( vlr-pers-preactor)

Determines whether or not a reactor is persistent

( vlr-pers-releasereactor)

Makes a reactor transient

( vlr-reaction-namereactor-type)

Returns a list of all callback conditions for this reactor type

( vlr-reaction-setreactoreventfunction)

Adds or replaces a callback function in a reactor

( vlr-reactionsreactor)

Returns a list of pairs (event-name . callback_function) for the reactor

( vlr-reactors [reactor-type...])

Returns a list of reactors of the specified types

( vlr-removereactor)

Disables a reactor

( vlr-remove-allreactor-type)

Disables all reactors of the specified type

( vlr-set-notificationreactor


Defines whether or not a reactor's callback function will execute if its associated namespace is not active

( vlr-sysvar-reactordata


Constructs an editor reactor object that provides notification of a change to a system variable

( vlr-toolbar-reactordata


Constructs an editor reactor object that provides notification of a change to the bitmaps in a toolbar

( vlr-trace-reaction)

A pre-defined callback function that prints one or more callback arguments in the Trace window

( vlr-typereactor)

Returns a symbol representing the reactor type

( vlr-types)

Returns a list of all reactor types

( vlr-undo-reactordata


Constructs an editor reactor object that provides notification of an undo event

( vlr-wblock-reactordata


Constructs an editor reactor object that provides notification of an event related to writing a block

( vlr-window-reactordatacallbacks)

Constructs an editor reactor object that notifies of an event related to moving or sizing an AutoCAD window

( vlr-xref-reactordatacallbacks)

Constructs an editor reactor object that provides notification of an event related to attaching or modifying XREF