Fixing the Spacing Around a Boxed Row or Column

If the label attribute of a boxed row or column is either blank ("") or null (""), the box encloses the cluster but no text is shown. A single blank does not appear as a space in the box. However, there is a difference in the way blank and null labels are laid out:

In the following DCL code, the top lines of the boxes around the first two columns are guaranteed to line up (with the same Y location), and the top line of the box around the third column is guaranteed to have no spacing above or below it, except for the default margins:

: row {
		: boxed_column {
		 label = "Some Text";
		: boxed_column {
		 label = " "; 	 // single blank: the default
		: boxed_column {
		 label = ""; 	 // null string