Obtaining Entity Information

The entget function returns the definition data of a specified entity. The data is returned as a list. Each item in the list is specified by a DXF group code. The first item in the list contains the entity's current name.

In this example, the following (default) conditions apply to the current drawing:

The user has drawn a line with the following sequence of commands:

Command:  line

From point:  1,2

To point:  6,6

To point:  ENTER

An AutoLISP application can retrieve and print the definition data for the line by using the following AutoLISP function:

(defun C:PRINTDXF ( )
  (setq ent (entlast))	 ; Set ent to last entity.
  (setq entl (entget ent)) ; Set entl to association list of 
						 ; last entity.
  (setq ct 0)			; Set ct (a counter) to 0.
  (textpage)			 ; Switch to the text screen.
  (princ "\nentget of last entity:")
  (repeat (length entl)	; Repeat for number of members in list:
	(print (nth ct entl))  ; Print a newline, then each list 
						 ; member.
	(setq ct (1+ ct))	; Increments the counter by one.
  (princ)				; Exit quietly.

This would print the following:

entget of last entity:

(-1 . <Entity name: 1bbd1c8>)

(0 . "LINE")

(330 . <Entity name: 1bbd0c8>)

(5 . "69")

(100 . "AcDbEntity")

(67 . 0)

(410 . "Model")

(8 . "0")

(100 . "AcDbLine")

(10 1.0 2.0 0.0)

(11 6.0 6.0 0.0)

(210 0.0 0.0 1.0)

The -1 item at the start of the list contains the name of the entity. The entmod function, which is described in this section, uses the name to identify the entity to be modified. The individual dotted pairs that represent the values can be extracted by using assoc with the cdr function.

Sublists for points are not represented as dotted pairs like the rest of the values returned. The convention is that the cdr of the sublist is the group's value. Because a point is a list of two or three reals, the entire group is a three- (or four-) element list. The cdr of the group is the list representing the point, so the convention that cdr always returns the value is preserved.

The codes for the components of the entity are those used by DXF. As with DXF, the entity header items (color, linetype, thickness, the attributes-follow flag, and the entity handle) are returned only if they have values other than the default. Unlike DXF, optional entity definition fields are returned whether or not they equal their defaults and whether or not associated X, Y, and Z coordinates are returned as a single point variable, rather than as separate X (10), Y (20), and Z (30) groups.

All points associated with an object are expressed in terms of that object's object coordinate system (OCS). For point, line, 3D line, 3D face, 3D polyline, 3D mesh, and dimension objects, the OCS is equivalent to the WCS (the object points are World points). For all other objects, the OCS can be derived from the WCS and the object's extrusion direction (its 210 group). When working with objects that are drawn using coordinate systems other than the WCS, you may need to convert the points to the WCS or to the current UCS by using the trans function.

When writing functions to process entity lists, make sure the function logic is independent of the order of the sublists; use assoc to guarantee this. The assoc function searches a list for a group of a specified type. The following code returns the object type "LINE" (0) from the list entl.

(cdr (assoc 0 entl))

If the DXF group code specified is not present in the list (or if it is not a valid DXF group), assoc returns nil.

WarningBefore performing an entget on vertex entities, you should read or write the polyline entity's header. If the most recently processed polyline entity is different from the one to which the vertex belongs, width information (the 40 and 41 groups) can be lost.