PAUSE is encountered as an argument to command, the command is suspended to allow direct user input (usually point selection or dragging). This is similar to the backslash pause mechanism provided for menus.
If an AutoCAD command is in progress and the predefined symbolPAUSE symbol is defined as a string consisting of a single backslash. When you use a backslash (\) in a string, you must precede it by another backslash (\\).
Thecommand function pauses for input, that input request can be satisfied by the menu. If you want the menu item to be suspended as well, you must provide a backslash in the menu item. When valid input is found, both the command function and the menu item resume.
Menu input is not suspended by an AutoLISP pause. If a menu item is active when thecommand function is suspended, the command function remains suspended. Therefore, users can 'ZOOM and 'PAN while at a command pause. The pause remains in effect until AutoCAD gets valid input, and no transparent command is in progress. For example, the following code begins the CIRCLE command, sets the center point at (5,5), and then pauses to let the user drag the circle's radius. When the user specifies the desired point (or types in the desired radius), the function resumes, drawing a line from (5,5) to (7,5), as follows:
If you issue a transparent command while a(command "circle" "5,5" pause "line" "5,5" "7,5" "")
PAUSE is encountered when a command is expecting input of a text string or an attribute value, AutoCAD pauses for input only if the TEXTEVAL system variable is nonzero. Otherwise, AutoCAD does not pause for user input but uses the value of the PAUSE symbol (a single backslash) text.
Ifcommand function pauses for user input, the function is considered active, so the user cannot enter another AutoLISP expression to be evaluated.
When thePAUSE symbol (the layer NEW_LAY and the block MY_BLOCK must exist in the drawing prior to testing this code):
The following is an example of using the(setq blk "MY_BLOCK")
(setq old_lay (getvar "clayer"))
(command "layer" "set" "NEW_LAY" "")
(command "insert" blk pause "" "" pause)
(command "layer" "set" old_lay "")
The preceding code fragment sets the current layer to NEW_LAY, pauses for user selection of an insertion point for the block MY_BLOCK (which is inserted with X and Y scale factors of 1), and pauses again for user selection of a rotation angle. The current layer is then reset to the original layer.
command function specifies a PAUSE to the SELECT command and a PICKFIRST set is active, the SELECT command obtains the PICKFIRST set without pausing for the user.
If the