Appendix of 32-bit Methods

The following table lists the new methods added in AutoCAD 2008 for 32-bit substitutions:

VBA table methods for a 64-bit system




Returns the attribute value from the specified block cell for the attribute definition object contained in the block using its 32-bit object ID.

GetBlockTableRecordId32 Gets the 32-bit object ID of the block table record associated to the block-type cell and nContent.

Returns the 32-bit object ID of the data link object.


Returns the 32-bit object ID of the field object associated to the specifed cell.


Returns the 32-bit object ID of the grid linetype object.


Specifies the object ID of the source object in the CopyObjects operation for a 64-bit system.


Gets the object ID for a 64-bit system.


Gets the object that corresponds to the given object ID for a 64-bit system.


Gets the object ID of the owner (parent) object for a 64-bit system.

SetBlockAttributeValue32 Sets the attribute value from the specified block cell for the attribute definition object contained in the block and nContent using its 32-bit object ID.
SetBlockTableRecordId32 Sets the 32-bit object ID block table record associated to the block-type cell and nContent.
SetDataLink32 Sets the 32-bit object ID of the data link object.

Sets the 32-bit object ID of the field object associated to the specifed cell and nContent.

SetGridLinetype32 Sets the 32-bit object ID of the gridline type object.

Specifies the current value for the property, or the object ID of the newly created cloned object, for a 64-bit system.