Create the Dialog Box

The dialog box you create contains two option buttons (if you select one, the other is cleared) for choosing the tile shape: circle or polygon. The dialog box also contains three text boxes for entering the following numeric values: the radius of the tiles, the spacing between the tiles, and the number of sides on the tile (which is available only if the Polygon option button is selected).

To create a dialog box from the VBA IDE

  1. On the Insert menu, click User Form to open a new form. Two windows, a toolbox, and a blank user form are displayed.
  2. One by one, select and drag the following controls from the toolbox and place them on the user form. You should place two option buttons (

    ), three labels (

    ), three text boxes (

    ), and two command buttons (

    ), as illustrated on the following form:

  3. Close the toolbox.

To set the properties for the radio button controls

  1. On the user form, select the OptionButton1 control. On the View menu, click Properties Window, and change the following properties for OptionButton1:

    (Name) =gp_poly

    Caption =Polygon

    ControlTipText = Polygon Tile Shape

    Accelerator =P

  2. On the user form, select the OptionButton2 control. In the Properties window, change the following properties for OptionButton2:

    (Name) =gp_circ

    Caption =Circle

    ControlTipText = Circle Tile Shape

    Accelerator =I

To set the properties for the label controls

  1. On the user form, select the Label1 control. In the Properties window, change the following properties for Label1:

    (Name) =label_trad

    Caption =Radius of tiles

    TabStop =True

  2. On the user form, select the Label2 control. In the Properties window, change the following properties for Label2:

    (Name) =label_tspac

    Caption =Space between tiles

    TabStop =True

  3. On the user form, select the Label3 control. In the Properties window, change the following properties for Label3:

    (Name) =label_tsides

    Caption =Number of sides

    TabStop =True

To set the properties for the text box controls

  1. On the user form, select the TextBox1 control. In the Properties window, change the following property for TextBox1:

    (Name) =gp_trad

  2. On the user form, select the TextBox2 control. In the Properties window, change the following property for TextBox2:

    (Name) =gp_tspac

  3. On the user form, select the TextBox3 control. In the Properties window, change the following property for TextBox3:

    (Name) =gp_tsides

To set the properties for the command button controls and the form window

  1. On the user form, select the CommandButton1 control. In the Properties window, change the following properties for CommandButton1:

    (Name) =accept

    Caption =OK

    ControlTipText = Accept the options

    Accelerator =O

    Default =True

  2. On the user form, select the CommandButton2 control. In the Properties window change the following properties for CommandButton2:

    (Name) =cancel

    Caption =Cancel

    ControlTipText = Cancel the operation

    Accelerator =C

  3. Select the user form itself by clicking on the background of the form, away from any control. In the Properties window, change the following properties for the form:

    (Name) =gpDialog

    Caption =Garden Path

    Your form should now look like this:

  4. Save your work.