Clip a raster image boundary

This example adds a raster image in model space. It then clips the image based on a clip boundary. This example uses the downtown.jpg file found in the sample directory. If you do not have this image, or if it is located in a different directory, insert a valid path and file name for the imageName variable.

Sub Ch10_ClippingRasterBoundary()
	Dim insertionPoint(0 To 2) As Double
	Dim scalefactor As Double
	Dim rotationAngle As Double
	Dim imageName As String
	Dim rasterObj As AcadRasterImage

	imageName = "C:\AutoCAD\sample\downtown.jpg"
	insertionPoint(0) = 5
	insertionPoint(1) = 5
	insertionPoint(2) = 0
	scalefactor = 2
	rotationAngle = 0

	' Creates a raster image in model space
	Set rasterObj = ThisDrawing.ModelSpace.AddRaster _
					(imageName, insertionPoint, _
					 scalefactor, rotationAngle)
	' Establish the clip boundary with an array of points
	Dim clipPoints(0 To 9) As Double
	clipPoints(0) = 6: clipPoints(1) = 6.75
	clipPoints(2) = 7: clipPoints(3) = 6
	clipPoints(4) = 6: clipPoints(5) = 5
	clipPoints(6) = 5: clipPoints(7) = 6
	clipPoints(8) = 6: clipPoints(9) = 6.75

	' Clip the image
	rasterObj.ClipBoundary clipPoints

	' Enable the display of the clip
	rasterObj.ClippingEnabled = True
	ThisDrawing.Regen acActiveViewport
	Exit Sub

	MsgBox Err.Description
End Sub