By default, objects inherit the linetype of the layer on which they are created. To change an object's linetype, use the Linetype property provided for that object. The Linetype property takes the name of the linetype to assign to the object as input.
For more information about linetypes, see “Overview of Linetypes” in the User's Guide.
Change the linetype of a circle
This example creates a circle. It then attempts to load the linetype “CENTER” from the acad.lin file. If the linetype already exists, or the file does not exist, then a message is displayed. Finally, it sets the linetype for the circle to be “CENTER.”
Sub Ch4_ChangeCircleLinetype()
On Error Resume Next
' Create a circle
Dim circleObj As AcadCircle
Dim center(0 To 2) As Double
Dim radius As Double
center(0) = 2: center(1) = 2: center(2) = 0
radius = 1
Set circleObj = ThisDrawing.ModelSpace. _
AddCircle(center, radius)
Dim linetypeName As String
linetypeName = "CENTER"
' Load "CENTER" line type from acad.lin file
ThisDrawing.Linetypes.Load linetypeName, "acad.lin"
If Err.Description <> "" Then MsgBox Err.Description
' Assign the circle the linetype "CENTER"
circleObj.Linetype = "CENTER"
End Sub