To remove menu items from a menu, use the Delete method found on the menu item.
Delete a menu item from a menu
This example adds a menu item to the end of the last menu displayed on the menu bar. It then deletes the menu item.
Sub Ch6_DeleteMenuItem()
Dim LastMenu As AcadPopupMenu
Set LastMenu = ThisDrawing.Application.menuBar. _
Item(ThisDrawing.Application.menuBar.count - 1)
' Add a menu item
Dim newMenuItem As AcadPopupMenuItem
Dim openMacro As String
' Assign the macro the VB equivalent of "ESC ESC _open "
openMacro = Chr(3) + Chr(3) + "_open "
Set newMenuItem = LastMenu.AddMenuItem _
(LastMenu.count + 1, "Open", openMacro)
' Remove the menu item from the menu
End Sub